Auspicious Fish® Inc

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Are You Willing to Get Back to a Healthy Normal?

We know Covid-19 is scary.

It's hard to fight against an enemy you can't see.

But a 32% reduction in physical activity isn't going to help! Especially when the majority of Americans are already at an unhealthy weight. Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension, all of these chronic health conditions increase your risk of serious complications from Covid-19, and your quality of life overall.

Not to mention the toll on #mentalhealth.

Every indicator of trouble is going up.

Abuse, suicide, addiction, self-harm, all on the rise, and medicating isn't the answer. Getting back to normal is. And normal, well it's always been about accepting a certain amount of risk in one’s life.

Together we can do this.

Let’s learn how to keep Healthy Distance rather than Social Distance.

We can spend more time outdoors doing activities that promote our health and hey, who doesn’t love a nice fire in the pit on an Autumn evening?

There’s plenty we can do to lessen our risk of contracting covid and even reduce our risk of suffering severely from the infection but we have to be willing to get back to a healthy normal.

If you still need convincing, check out this article from the Washington Times. And when you’re ready, we’re just a digital call away! We can help you build a Recovery Plan filled with wellness tools that work for you and are tailored to your needs to support Chronic Health conditions or provide the support of Wellness Coaching to promote a healthy mind and body for resiliency during Tsunami times such as these.