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Pilgrimage: A Journey

A Journey away from home in search of Well-Being

This is a definition Simon Reeve gave in his series, The Pilgrims Way and it resonated with me.

For most of us that time when we step out of and away from our ‘normal’ life and dream a bit about how things COULD be different… well, we usually call it Vacation.

So how is a Pilgrims Journey different?

Pilgrimage implies something more intentional than a vacation or sabbatical. It implies a sense of purpose. A definite, unmistakable end goal of destination.

But you know, it’s not about reaching that end…..

on a Pilgrimage, it’s all about what we learned on the Journey and how we’re going to use that to change. Sure, those journeys aren’t meant to be easy. It’s a way of building resilience both physically and mentally that will support us on our return.

It’s about finding that Vision of ourselves, our lives, maybe even our families and communities that we might have lost sight of.

A PIlgrimage is about remembering the value of those things we took for granted in our life, those niceties, conveniences, and even people that were within arms reach and made it all easy, maybe even reflexive.

But it doesn’t always have to be a trip to some far-flung place. For those of us recovering from a Life Tsunami like hmmm Long-Covid, maybe it’s right in our own home on our path to Recovery.