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the Future of ....... the Future?


the Future of ....... the Future?

Greetings most Honorable Earthling!

:-) Remember back in the day as a kid when you spent summers watching that TV show.. you know, the one that showed you what your future would look like 20 or 30 years in the future?

How's it stacking up for you?

We haven't gotten the flying cars and the hoverboards haven't been perfected yet, but most everyone has access to Cortana or Siri.  Amazon has the Echo and we are reaching a stage of untethered wirelessness that increases the freedom to be anywhere- and the onus of having to attend to everything while we're busy being free!

Chipped futures are on the rise.  We've had the medic alerts on elderly prone to wandering, and chips in the pets... in case of wandering!  At least as a society, we do want our loved ones back when they wander off!  But now I'm wondering... 

I was moving toward the point of the Vending Machine company that now offers their employees the option to get chipped- allowing the swipe of a hand to clock in, unlock area doors, buy snacks from the machines, and countless other actions.  Hmm, and back in the day, we thought the beeper was annoying!

Yet when new tech opportunities knock, we open the door on an attractive figure.  

No, I'm not alluding to what Siri might look like, but attractive as in time-saving, ease, a way to get through Task A to get onto Task B, hopefully before Task C, D & F starts pounding on the door.  

What's that?  I missed 'E'?  Nah, 'E' is never a Task, it's an EMERGENCY.  Those pesky 'E's are never scheduled but pop up and pop in, last minute late, all to disrupt your day with maximum Efficiency!

So yes, when you're offered a fee free ease, one takes it.

And I took it!

Not at first no, I've never been too easy that way.  When Google offered a free website, I put it off for ages.  Because you know, I've done that already.  I invested time, tears, virtual sweat into this here website.  My first try but we've all got to start somewhere, and like any offspring, we tend to see the beauty of what it can grow to be!

But in a moment of weakness, or maybe it was the cherries that gave me a rosy feeling, I dove into the offer.  And true to everything else, Google made it easy!  Not so many options to customize but it's a quick start and easy drive for short distances.

What sort of Wellness Coach isn't open to GROWTH?

So with that thought in mind, I'd love for you to give it a go, let me know how it feels. You can find it here at,  I'll be moving forward with the branding updates this summer, and I'd love to get feedback on what feels good on the eyes and mind.   I'm not expecting it to replace this site but who knows for sure what the future will look like?

