So you wanted to do this New Year right and celebrate old school, I mean really old, like a Roman!

Chances are, you’ve been pretty close already! 

According to the historian, Sarah Bond, This Kalends of January were always about celebrating with the community AND focusing on the health of the individuals.

Yes, even back in the BC, Romans were focusing on HOPE and taking solid steps toward self-improvement - just as soon as the parties were over!

I know, you’ve set goals before and it didn’t go so well.  

Maybe your New Year Resolution is to never make more Resolutions that will end in flames and regrets.

Our coaching magic has just the tips, tools and support you need to make this your Best Year Yet!  The Best Possible Self you dream of is within reach and we can show you how to get from here, to there.  

Click and find out more and schedule your free consultation.

I join Sarah Bond and Forbes  in wishing each of you, 

“Annum novum faustum felicem vobis!” (An auspicious and happy new year to y'all!) 

Satisfy your curiosity, read more about  Why Did Early Christians And Pagans Fight Over New Year’s Day? 
